Presentation Topics

At Keynotes for Leaders, we bring top-notch leadership experts to you.

The success of your organization begins with leadership development. Combining the latest leadership best practices with extensive training experience, our speakers and facilitators prepare your company to thrive.

Here’s a sampling of the presentation topics our speakers deliver – in person or virtually.

Don’t see what you need? Contact us today to discuss how we can customize a topic just for you.

Keynote and Workshop Presentation Topics

Building Your Resilience in the Time of COVID

Your team members are experiencing extremely high levels of stress, managing both work and life at home. Plus, companies are trying to do more with less, further increasing your team’s workload (and stress). These resilience tips will help you and your staff externalize that pressure and regain a feeling of control during this time of COVID.

Effective Feedback: the why, when, what, and how

Employees are more motivated to take action to improve performance when you give them direct feedback. But do you know how to do this in a way that promotes psychological safety? These tips will make you STOP and think before giving feedback, and help you prepare to give feedback your staff will want to hear. So you can create a culture of continuous improvement.

To get a taste of this session, watch this complimentary, 15-minute workshop on the topic.

Examining and Responding to Microaggressions Productively

In this session, we’ll push beyond the typical business case for inclusion to explore the psychological impacts of exclusionary behavior. We’ll define microaggressions, identify different types, and explore ways in which they show up in organizational life. And finally, we’ll examine our own roles in committing microaggressions and how we can respond in productive ways to ensure people feel safe and heard.

To get a taste of this session, watch this complimentary, 15-minute workshop on the topic.

Every Conversation Matters

Like the air we breathe, conversations can be life-giving, inspiring, and empowering. Or they can be downright oppressive and soul-sucking, making you feel disconnected, discouraged, and even offended. The ability to have conversations that matter is one of the most important and under-developed skills for personal and professional success. It all comes down to just a few key skills – and we’ll help you turn them into habits.​

How to Build Your High Performing Team

How do you craft the team everyone wants to join? How to shape the high performing team that everyone talks about? It begins with your understanding of team needs. Then you work to meet these needs by creating meaning, process, and psychological safety. This presentation will guide you through proven team research and recent insights from Google and others so you can build the team you’ve always wanted to lead.

To get a taste of this session, watch this complimentary, 15-minute workshop on the topic.

How to Develop as a Leader

83% of businesses say it’s important to develop leaders at all levels, yet less than 5% are actually doing this. You can take ownership of your own development. Learn about the 3 conditions of growth you can easily create for yourself – and your people – that will significantly impact growth and development. These simple tips and action steps can create opportunities for you to become a more effective leader – starting as early as TODAY.

To get a taste of this session, watch this complimentary, 12-minute workshop on the topic.

Managing the PEOPLE SIDE of Innovation

Innovation happens for many reasons. Sometimes it’s simply due to luck. Other times, leaders have fostered the right conditions to make it happen. This interactive presentation looks at those processes and explores how you can extend your sphere of influence throughout your company to ensure that success. Brainstorming the idea is the easy part, building the solution is harder, and getting it out to the market profitably is devilishly difficult. We’ll arm you with strategies to improve innovation efforts within your team and within your organization. 

Navigating Organizational Politics

Attempting to “avoid” the politics of any organization can lead to stress and division. Every company and team has politics of some sort, so you need to learn to manage them. And it’s wisest to embrace a smart attitude and implement a methodical process to navigate the politics. In this module, we’ll explore a unique set of strategies – proper entrance, preventative maintenance, and engaging top cover – to achieve successful ends and productive relationships.

To get a taste of this session, watch this complimentary, 25-minute workshop on the topic.

The Power of Marketing to Sell Your Ideas

Everyone, from the CEO to your IT personnel, needs to learn the basics of Marketing. Who’s your target market for your next proposal? Which communications channels do they prefer? What’s the right message that will grab their attention? This session will give you insight into how to determine the best approach to win your audience’s support so you can sell your ideas internally – and externally.

What’s Your Influence Style?

Influence plays a role in many complex situations. Learning about your Influence Style can help you pinpoint the right technique to use to achieve success. In this presentation, you’ll discover your preferred style and how to flex, given the needs of those you must influence.